2021年菲律宾国际食品及配料、机械展WOFEX--中国好代理! WOFEX (World Food Expo) is the biggest and most effective food show in the Philippines today. 展会时间:8月7-10日 展会地点:菲律宾 马尼拉 主办单位:Wofex Inc. 举办周期:一年一届 〖展会简介〗 菲律宾国际食品及加工展(WOFEX 2021)是菲律宾规模较大、较具影响力的食品工业展,占用了菲律宾目前较大的两个展馆-世界贸易中心(World Trade Center)以及SMX会展中心,展会汇集了全世界较新的食品、饮料产品和相关加工原料配料、机械及包装等。 WOFEX (World Food Expo) is the biggest and most effective food show in the Philippines today. Simultaneously occupying the two biggest venues in the country, the World Trade Center and the SMX Convention Center, WOFEX successfully covers the trade to consumer markets by properly segmenting the two venues. 该展会每年举办一次,至今已经成功举办了20届,每届都吸引着来自世界各地的食品、饮料生产商和专业贸易人士,是食品行业中相互建立客户联系、订购产品的理想场所和交流盛会。展会按照食品加工环节设计产品类别细分专业展区:食品区、食品配料区、食品机械区、食品包装区、酒店用品区等。展会严格控制参观者的入场标准,展会**天只对专业观众开放,最后一天对普通大众开放,保证了参展商能在这里**会和等多的真实的买家进行面谈。8月菲律宾国际食品展是拓展菲律宾市场,了解菲律宾食品需求的较佳平台。 〖展会回顾〗 2019年8月份菲律宾国际食品及加工展(WOFEX 2019)共有来自菲律宾、中国、韩国、美国、越南、德国、马来西亚、乌克兰等30多个国家和地区的1500多家企业前来参展,展出面积**过25,000㎡;来自零售、餐饮行业、酒店行业等相关行业专业观众的共50,000多位专业人士到会。 For the past 20years, the World Trade Center has been the venue for trade. With its restricted entry in the first 3 days of the expo, the exhibitors in WTC are able to concentrate their efforts to commercial and institutional accounts. This focused approach has made it possible for buyers to go around the venue to properly source their supply needs before the venue is opened to the public on the last day of WOFEX.