2024年法国牙科展及口腔年会 ADF 2024-总代理
ADF is the premier European event in terms of continuing professional education for dentists.
展会地点:法国 巴黎
法国牙科展览会(ADF)是由法国牙医协会主办,法国牙医协会是由法国25家的牙科协会组成的一个联盟,覆盖面广,性强。 它为全法国的牙医提供着一系列的服务,包括牙医培训,牙科产品认证,牙科口腔方面的文献数据库以及仲裁服务。而由法国牙医协会组织的一年一届的展览会及年度研讨会,是牙科界的一大盛事,对推动牙科发展起着积重大的作用。
The Congres ADF or ADF Annual Dental Meeting is the premier European event in terms of continuing professional education for dentists. One of its great strengths is to combine in one single venue a five-day scientific programme, including over one hundred sessions and 600 speakers, with a four-day international exhibition.
Exhibitor Profiles
Dental Practice: Digital Dentistry (D) Cosmetic Dentistry Dental Materials Dental Units Implant Dentistry Instruments, Headpieces and Tools for the Practice Pharmaceutical Practice Equipment Practice Furniture Specials Devices Prophylaxis/Dental and Oral Hygiene Work Aids and Auxiliary Materials for Dental Treatment Dental Laboratory: Digital Dentistry (L) Instruments, Headpieces and Tools for the Laboratory Laboratory Equipment and Systems Laboratory Furniture Materials for Denture, Models, Inlays, Crowns and Bridges Orthodontic (Re-) Construction Auxiliaries /CAM blocks, Mouldings, Articial Teeth Work Aids and Materials for Dental Laboratory Infection Control and Maintenance:
上届展会面积达22,000余平方米,吸引了来自欧洲、美洲、非洲、中东等31个国 家和地区的600多家参展商, 27,000多名牙科及相关人士。据official资料统计,过97%的参展商表示能够在此展会上找到买家或意向客户,80%的与会者表示将参加下届法国牙科展,参展商和与会者的综合满意度达以上。