2023年意大利米兰国际食品展|TUTTOFOOD 2023|华盛环球|韦迪 TUTTOFOOD---A international B2B show dedicated to food & beverage. 展会时间:2023年5月17-20日 展会地点:米兰展览中心 主办单位:Fiera Milano SpA 举办周期:两年一届 中国组展:北京华盛环球国际文化传播有限公司(展览部) 北京华盛环球 真诚邀请你参加2021年意大利米兰国际食品展|TUTTOFOOD 2021|2021意大利水产展|意大利食品配料展,如有问题,欢迎来电咨询! 展会介绍: 意大利国际食品饮料展TUTTOFOOD由Fiera Milano SpA主办,自创办以来, 确定了其创新性,国际性,合作及准确定位的目标,始终致力于为食品饮料工业提供专业的B2B交流平台。凭借主办方多年专业买家的积累及组展经验, TUTTOFOOD展会发展迅速,现已发展成欧洲规模大、具影响力的食品展之一。 Advantages:展会优势: An event exclusively reserved for B2B It is the only industry show on the Italian trade show scene with a truly international feel It is an event that meets the needs of companies that look mainly to the Italian market as well as companies that are focusing on exporting It is an effective showcase for testing out innovative ideas and experiences It offers a modern, expert professional overview, which allows for market trends to be analysed It is the fastest growing trade show in Europe It offers important business opportunities with national and international buyers It allows one to compare notes and analyse the market trends There are workshops, seminars, conferences and meetings 2019年意大利米兰食品展览面积达到180,000平米,接待了来自意大利本国和国外的68200名观众,有2200多家参展商2000个及1934名来自60个国家的**级买家。 2021年,米兰食品展TUTTOFOOD是中国食品企业拓展意大利乃至欧洲市场的**途径! 更多展会,2月俄罗斯食品展、5月意大利米兰食品展、9月莫斯科食品展、10月科隆食品展ANUGA